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Park Residency Presents you Service Apartment vs Studio Apartment

The love for traveling has prevailed in the past couple of years. And with that, living in private properties, which are luxurious and well maintained, is a rising idea. Among these properties come serviced apartments and studio apartments. There is a fair difference between these apartments.

Come, let us have a look at them, below:-

Service Apartment vs Studio Apartment

Living Space- The serviced apartments are ideally more spacious as they have more than one room. They include space for cupboards, a washroom, kitchen, and other such amenities. Whereas when we talk about studio apartments, they come with limited space. Studio apartments are one room with adequate space to put in important furniture. They come with sleeping space, and in some cases, you get a kitchen too as well.

Luxurious Living- Serviced apartments are not only a mini home, but they also come with amenities that not everyone would like to avail. If you are on a vacation to experience luxury living, along with class, then opting for a serviced apartment would be a great idea. But, if you are there to enjoy your vacation and want to live in a private property with limited amenities, then a studio apartment would be the best choice for you.

Pricing- Another aspect of service apartment vs studio apartment is that their price for lease or rent varies by a lot. If you choose a service apartments in gurgaon, you sign up to pay for the Wi-Fi bill, maintenance, electricity charges, and the price for the furniture that comes, along with the space. However, while you choose to live in a studio apartment, you only pay for the space and electricity bill. And that is why there is a visible difference in rent in both of these apartments.

Experience- Hotel stays are very boring and come towards the pricey point, but when you choose to stay in a serviced apartment, you get a chance to explore a lot. The experience of living in these apartments is altogether different. You get your own space with no interruption from room service, etc. And if you choose a studio apart, you choose a comfortable stay.

Other than all these, the debate over service apartment vs studio apartment is something never-ending. These apartments are good at their place like if you are planning a week or longer stay. These suit best to business travelers and medical tourists. Whereas studio apartments are an apt option for someone who stays alone and is away from home for the job.

As the stay can be for months and years thus, a studio apartment can be your adobe, for the time being, providing you a comfortable and most budgetary stay.

At Park Residency, we are proud to offer you both- the serviced apartments and the studio apartments. Choose the one you think will fit your budget and serve the purpose of your stay. All our properties are located at the prime location of Gurgaon, which makes them accessible for you to travel.

Plus, you get a market nearby these locations that will help you get groceries, dairy, etc., without any frets. So, if you are planning a visit to Gurgaon, now is the time. Inquire about our assistance and make bookings today.

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